Search Filter Options

The user may determine advanced search options. Search criteria are not dependent on what appears on the status page. For example, if the Submitted File Status page is displaying only file details for a specific organization, the user may still select search options for other organizations as well. Search selections are not saved for future use. The available data is displayed according to the search criteria. If no data is available according to the search options entered, the application immediately displays a message indicating such.


Step 3c from main Viewing Submitted File Status Help


(1) Click on Search Filter link toward the upper-right of the Budget Submitted File Status page.




(2) Click on Display Options link toward the upper-right of the Budget Submitted File Status page.

(3) Enter or select those options you wish to filter on. The table below provides information for the available options.

(4) Click Submit button at the bottom of the screen.






CTDS (Any School/District)

Enter the CTDS of the educational organization which submitted the Budget files for which you are attempting to check the status. This number is assigned by ADE to identify the selected educational organization. This number is made up of intelligent county, type, district, and school codes.

Uploaded Date Range

Date the specific file was uploaded to ADE. Either select a category using the drop-down box or manually enter dates in the From: / To:  boxes. Most of the drop-down selections automatically populate the date boxes.

Today: Narrows to those files submitted since 12:00 am MST of the current day.

Yesterday: Includes submissions made within the 24 hours prior to 12:00 am MST of the current day

Week to Date: Includes submissions made within the last seven calendar days, including the current day.

Month to Date: Includes submissions made within the last four consecutive calendar weeks.

Year to Date: Includes submissions made within the last 12 consecutive calendar months.

All: Option which includes all files regardless of submission date.

User Defined: Option automatically set if user sets search criteria under the Search Filter link option in the Uploaded Data Range fields.

Fiscal Year


User may select to display data from All Years, which does not narrow to a specific year, or to display data from a specific year.

Submission Type

Type of Budget file submitted.

File Name

Name determined and assigned by the submitter for the budget file.

Submission Reference (For any School/District)

Unique number automatically generated by the Budget system for any attempted Budget file submission. This number is used in all portions of the application to refer to a specific submission.

Submitter (User) Name (For any School/District)

Actual name of the individual which corresponds with ADE's current Common Logon user account information for the specific educational organization which submitted the file.

Updated Date Range

Calendar date in which the most recent system action was completed on the submitted file. Either select a category using the drop-down box or manually enter dates in the From: / To:  boxes. Most of the drop-down selections automatically populate the date boxes. This refers to the date the specific file was uploaded to ADE. (NOTE: Refer to the Uploaded Date Range description above for extra details.

Rows / Page

User may choose 10, 20, 50, or 100 rows of data on each Budget Submitted File Status screen.


After the appropriate selections are made, the user finally clicks on this button to then view the Submitted File Status screen according to criteria specified.


To continue to with Step 4 in main File Status Help.

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